McMaster University

Graduate Program in Statistics


Teresa Alpuim
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Date :Wednesday October 16, 2002.
Time : 3:30pm
Address Burke Science Building
Room: 138
Regression with Correlated Errors.
A common procedure in environmental statistics is to estimate and test for trends in time series data. Usually, this is done with the help of a regression model including time as one of the independent variables. However, very often, the residuals present an autocorrelation structure which may cause a distortion in the variance of least squares estimators and, therefore, in the tests results. Detection of climatic changes or increase in concentration of pollutants provide good examples of such series, where the need for the development of appropriate and rigorous tools is of the utmost importance. In this talk we will consider, first, the linear regression model with any set of independent variables and errors following an autoregressive, AR(p), process. In this general case, the maximum likelihood estimators are difficult to obtain and not much is known about their statistical properties. On the other hand, the least squares estimators, although loosing some of their optimal properties, are easy to evaluate and keep some important properties, namely, they are unbiased, consistent, their theoretical variances are known and may be obtained from the sample trough consistent estimators. Consequently, under the assumption of normality, it is possible to derive asymptotic tests and confidence intervals for the regression parameters. However, under some typical cases of the design matrix X, (like polynomial trends, seasonality or trigonometric polynomials) we will show that the Maximum Likelihood and Least Squares estimators are asymptotically equivalent and, in such cases, it is possible to prove optimality properties. In particular, it is possible to derive optimal asymptotic tests for the linear hypothesis. An application of these methods will be made to a series of monthly average temperature measurements in Lisbon, from January 1856 to December 1999, trough the use of a model that includes trend and seasonality.
About the Speaker
Teresa Alpuim is a professor in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. She received her Ph. D. from this University in 1989 working in the area of Extreme Value Theory. Prof. Teresa Alpuim's present research interests include time series analysis, linear models and regression analysis, spatial statistics and the application of these methods to environmental problems. She is a member of the Centro de Matemática e Aplicações Fundamentais, a research unit of the University of Lisbon, where she leads a project on Applied Stochastic Processes.
Background about this topic can be found in many books on regression and time series. Some good references are

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Graduate Program in Statistics

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Last updated on October 7, 2002